
Book a Design a Plate Fundraiser

Design a Plate Kids Plate Fundraising – QUOTE & BOOKING FORM

These prices are for orders of 10 plates or more.

About You

Your Quote

Please selection options below for your quote

When would you like your finished plates and clocks delivered? *
Your Price: $23.50 Per plate
Your Price: $29.00 Per clock

Make more by selecting these options.

You will make an addition $0.50 for each option you say 'yes’ to.

Would you like to make more money by printing artwork templates yourself? You make an additional $0.50 * Yes No Would you like to make more money by returning the artworks digitally? * Yes No Have you done a fundraiser with us before? * Yes No
What is the postal address for templates? * Will children be doing their art at home or at school / kinder? * Home School How many children will be participating? *

Your Quote

Your price per plate is (includes GST, postage and delivery)
Your Final Price:
$23.50 Per plate
Your Final Price:
$29.00 Per clock
Next Steps If you are happy with your price and delivery date and you want to book your fundraiser with us, click the submit button below.